1.1. HSE Policy

ABC is a professional and safety conscious organisation which values the effective management of health, safety and welfare throughout all stages of its work. The clear objective is to minimise harm to persons and property by adopting a proactive approach to effective risk and safety management. All work will be carried out in accordance with Best Management Practices BMP’s, to the relevant statutory provisions with all reasonably practicable measures being taken to avoid risk to employees and others who may be affected by our work.

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Management and supervisory staff have responsibilities for the implementation of the policy and must ensure that health and safety is given adequate consideration in the planning and day-to day supervision of all work.
ABC will fully comply with the duties placed upon it within the requirements of Statutory Legislation, whilst at all times complying with, as a matter of best practice, the requirements and duties set out within Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance as issued by the Health and Safety Executive.
All employees and subcontractors are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whilst ensuring that their own works, so far as is reasonably practicable, are carried out without risk to themselves, others or the environment. This includes cooperating with management on any health, safety, welfare or environment related matter.
Employee consultation and participation is a vital part of our policy. Individuals also have duties and are encouraged and expected to co-operate, contribute ideas, suggest improvements, report shortcomings and generally look after the health, safety and welfare of themselves and others.
ABC will take all practical steps to ensure that potential hazards and risks are identified and that suitable and effective preventative and control measures are implemented. The correct safety equipment and personnel protective equipment will be provided to all employees. All employees will be provided with the necessary information, instruction and training in safe methods of work, and the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of tools and equipment.
The Directors have overall responsibility for all Health, Safety, Welfare and Environmental matters. The operation of this policy and the associated procedures will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they remain current and applicable to the company's activities. This policy has been endorsed by the Board of Directors who give their full support to the implementation of the policy.
Everybody who works for ABC anywhere is responsible for environment, health and safety.   It is as critical to the success of our business as cost, time and quality. 
People are our most important asset and we recognize that their health, safety and welfare and that of all stakeholders and communities with which we interact are paramount.  Equally we accept our responsibility to provide leadership in sustainable environmental practice and to minimize environmental impact by controlling waste, reducing pollution, using energy efficiently and acting as good neighbours. 
Our goal is simply stated - to eliminate accidents and harm to people, the environment and the business.   As a minimum, wherever we operate in the world, we will comply with legislation and work with our clients, consultants, contractors and regulators to raise standards towards best practice. Our performance, good and bad, will be openly reported. 
We will appoint staff who are competent and encourage their personal development through regular appraisal, guidance, training and recognition. 
Compliance with legislation is only the starting point in achieving our goal.  Environment, health and safety will be managed by focusing on the major risks and opportunities with incremental review and improvement against measurable targets. 
A main board director has been appointed to monitor and regularly review this policy.   Regional Directors, Vice Presidents and Senior Managers are responsible for its implementation and for the provision of financial and physical resources.   Line management in the regions are accountable for its practical application at the workplace, supported by expert advice, audits, systems and consultation. 
We believe that the process is so urgent and important that we will provide the resources to find a safe and environmentally acceptable solution.  I am personally committed and I empower all employees to make the achievement of this policy a personal responsibility in their area of operation.

1.2. Our Goal 

The final goal of  HSE Plan is to ensure the health and safety of personnel, to eliminate property damage and to provide a safe and comfortable working and living environment, during the entire construction period.
Company will maintain its own HSE philosophy as described below.

  • Safety is a paramount consideration in the project.
  • All accidents are preventable.
  • All tasks shall be planned and performed with concern for HSE.
  • HSE is a line management responsibility.
  • Identify and eliminate or minimize inherent hazard in the work.
  • Closely monitor each steps of the work to detect and promptly eliminate hazards and unsafe practices.
  • Provide clear and concise written instruction, rules and plans for the work to be performed.
  • Use trained and qualified workers and supervisors.
  • Recognize and reward outstanding performance.
  • Provide personal protective equipment.
  • Provide mechanically correct tools and equipment.
  • Maintain fire prevention and protection program.
  • Provide first aid and medical facility.

1.3. Alcohol and Drug Policy

It is a termination offence for any employee or Sub-contractor of the company to be under the influence of alcohol, or in possession of or under the influence of any non- prescribed drug, such as cocaine, Marijuana, Heroin, Hashish, or other illegal substance, while working or residing on any job site, including all operations, or property under the control of ABC. This rule applies to all operations and all locations.

1.4. Smoking Policy

Smoking is harmful to health and a potential safety hazard. Smoking in public places exposes non-smokers to health related hazards and it is the duty of ABC to protect employees from unnecessary exposure to hazards. Smoking is prohibited at all construction sites except in approved designated areas.


Project HSE is a primary responsibility of all management and supervision on the project. The Project has a NO ACCIDENT goal. Project Manager and Site Manager have overall responsibility for HSE at each respective location. The project HSE program is administered in accordance with OSHA's applicable regulations for construction 29 CFR 1926, ABC HSE rules and regulations, and Owner specific HSE rules and procedures.

2.1. Specific HSE Goals

Specific HSE goals for the project are as follows:

  • No lost-time or restricted workday cases, no recordable cases and no fatality, through a HSE plan and HSE procedures that are aimed at modifying the behavior of all employees on the project to become HSE conscious to prevent all accidents. Provision of medical and first aid facilities to provide immediate treatment and proper management of injuries to prevent them from developing into a more serious type of injury for the benefit of the injured and the project.
  • No site damage incidents.
  • Avoidance of off-site damage incidents where the control of Project Management is limited.
  • Optimization of the site working conditions, leading to the prevention of physical and mental complaints, prevention of occupational sickness disability leave, and prevention of the occupational illnesses of all workers.
  • Minimum of nuisance e.g. noise, light, traffic, odors to the surrounding community, potentially caused by construction activities.
  • Maintaining safe working areas and good housekeeping.


3.1. Project HSE Organization

  • The HSE organization of the PROJECT is shown in AppendixⅠ.
  • The HSE organization's responsibility is detailed in subsection 3.3

3.2. Responsibility 

HSE in the workplace is everybody's responsibility. However, certain individuals will be required to accept additional responsibilities based on job assignment. These will include the following: -

3.2.1. Project Manager

  • Make clear that HSE is line organization's responsibility.
  • Hold his employees accountable for HSE.
  • Set up policies and procedures ensuring that all equipment provided and used shall be maintained in good condition and shall meet all applicable requirement.
  • Verify that all sites relevant information hazard, site specific procedure, etc. used in the job planning stages is available and applicable.

3.2.2. HSE Manager

  • Assist the Site Manager in the management and execution of HSE plan.
  • Conduct regular Site inspections and prepare reports for Site Manager for corrective actions.
  • Check and advice on each work plan or procedures for HSE prior to Work commencement.
  • Coordinate with Owner HSE section on matters regarding HSE.
  • Liase with Subcontractors’ HSE Manager on matters regarding the health and safety of all workers under Subcontractors.
  • Act in the capacity of secretary to HSE Committee.
  • Provide advice, guidance such as may be needed in accident prevention.
  • Coordinate with Government Authorities, especially Ministry of Labour on matters pertaining to legal HSE requirement.
  • Establish and maintain proper HSE administrative system.
  • Investigate all incidents and accidents and submit reports complete with remedial actions to HSE team of head office through Site Manager for corrective action including establishing the ‘root causes’ of the accident.
  • Investigate all near miss incidents.
  • Ensure that HSE Supervisors conduct their HSE activities If HSE violations are determined high risk, then stop the work as necessary.

3.2.3. Site Manager 

  • Have the overall accountability for construction SITE HSE.
  • Lead the site HSE committee to establish site goals and publicize progress.
  • Be accountable for achieving HSE goals.
  • Be responsible for ensuring that Subcontractors implement, administer, plan, train, and enforce the HSE plan.    
  • Set up SITE HSE and Security Plan and be responsible for their implementation before starting site activities.
  • Use only competent personnel to work on SITE.
  • Issue the written instructions setting out the method of healthy and safe work in accordance with the policy on high-risk activities where necessary.
  • Plan and maintain housekeeping to high standards.
  • Inform the management of ABC and OWNER’s Representative of any accidents, incidents, and mishaps with the potential of injury and illness consequences immediately.
  • Cease all activities in the area of an identified HSE problem until it is resolved.  
  • Immediately remove from the SITE any people staff, SUBCONTRACTORs, or third parties who are not willing to comply with the HSE requirements.
  • Provide HSE training opportunity to all employees.
  • Perform corrective actions for any identified unsafe conditions.
  • Be responsible for setting up appropriate training including refresher training, as needed, to enable managers and workers to assess hazards, and to familiarize themselves with the relevant requirements legislation, regulation and company standards.
  • Determine the supervisor or work force ratio in respect to the competence of the workers.
  • Check working methods and precautions for high-risk activities with HSE Manager before work starts in accordance with the HSE policy.

3.2.4. HSE Supervisor

  • Assist HSE Manager and perform the HSE activities under the direction of HSE Manager
  • Check each Subcontractor’s work plan or work procedures from the view of HSE point and report to HSE Manager 
  • Advise the supervisory personnel of each function for HSE activities
  • Patrol the construction site daily to check that all subcontractors’ works are executed in accordance with the HSE Construction Procedures.
  • If HSE violations are determined high risk, then stop the work as necessary.
  • If there is any injury or near miss report it immediately to the HSE manager.

3.2.5. Design HSE Engineer

The design HSE engineer will be responsible for implementation of engineering coordination. The design HSE engineer in liaison with project engineering manager and lead engineering discipline engineers will perform the following project design HSE activities:

  • Integrate HSE procedures, standards and processes into the planning and execution of the work;
  • Provide industrial hygiene and occupational health authority and leadership for the project;
  • Review Government regulatory requirements and summarize Government HSE codes and standards;
  • Ensure that all Government HSE requirements are carried out in design;
  • Initiate the development and revision of HSE policies, plans, procedures and standards for the project and manage all changes as relating to HSE issues and documents;
  • Scope and review, for code compliance, all HSE submittals to Government regulatory authorities and provide regulatory interface;
  • Maintain or update material safety data sheets MSDS.
  • Advise employees of hazardous conditions, concerns, or incidents that relate to industrial hygiene or occupational health;
  • Maintain or update project material safety data sheet MSDS.
  • Accident and incident investigations for design failure;
  • Maintain updated lists of emissions, effluents and waste;
  • Develop or oversee development of design basis and management plans for water quality protection, air quality protection and waste management.

3.2.6. Field Superintendent or Supervisor

  • Monitor daily Toolbox Meeting for their work subcontractor’s crews.
  • Execute and convert the HSE Plan into safe work activities and ensure success.
  • Enforce HSE discipline in accordance to company HSE Rules & Regulations, & statutory requirements.
  • Supervise the HSE of daily work.
  • Ensure all Subcontractors understand the job requirements & HSE procedures before starting work.
  • Report, advise and or take corrective actions if HSE violations or unsafe work conditions are detected. Stop the work if necessary and resume when corrective actions have been taken.
  • Provide the written instructions to establish proper work methods in proper sequence including precautionary measures to be adopted.
  • Set a good HSE example.

3.2.7. Nurse

  • Be on duty at job site full time except when on emergency calls
  • Care for an injured or sick person and keep the record.
  • Hold certification in first aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR.
  • Plan and execute the hygiene activity program for all workers at work-site.

3.2.8. SUBCONTRACTOR's Construction Manager

  • Provide the HSE Plan and exercise good HSE discipline over all personnel.
  • Participate in ABC 's HSE Committee.
  • Ensure that all levels of supervisors are qualified with appropriate training.
  • Set up their own HSE Plan that shall be least comparable to this document.
  • Describe and apply similar responsibilities as mentioned above for their organizations. HSE Plan shall be accordance with company plan.
  • If HSE violations are determined high risk, then stop the work as necessary.

3.2.9. Subcontractor's HSE Manager

  • Assist the Construction Manager in executing and enforcing the work in accordance with HSE plan.    
  • Conduct regular checks of the work areas under his charges for HSE violations, unsafe conditions, defective equipment, materials, tools, apparatus and appliances and shall take immediately the corrective actions.
  • Generally, oversee that the Work performed by workers under his jurisdiction.
  • Initiate and assist supervisory personnel in conducting their daily Toolbox Meetings.
  • Organize and conduct regular HSE promotion activities with the aim of promoting HSE awareness among workers.
  • Participate in providing accident prevention program and, take part in discussion on dangerous occurrence, injury, and illness and property damage incidents.
  • Foster good HSE working relationship among Subcontractors.
  • Keep and maintain all HSE records pertaining to the Site HSE program
  • Report all accidents, incidents and near misses to the company HSE manager.
  • If HSE violations are determined high risk, then stop the work as necessary.

3.2.10. Subcontractor's Supervisor

  • Participate in the Work Site HSE program, especially on safe work procedures with the aim of preventing accidents.
  • Coordinate all work activities to ensure that they meet the required standards with minimum risks to person, equipment and property.
  • Conduct regular checks of the SITE for HSE violations, unsafe conditions, defective equipment, materials, tools, apparatus and appliances and shall take immediate and appropriate actions to eliminate the hazards.
  • Submit written reports with recommendations for corrective actions to prevent recurrences of any property damage accidents and injury accidents at the job SITE. The reports shall be submitted to HSE Manager.
  • Submit written reports of any other incidents, violations and unsafe work conditions at the job SITE. The reports shall be submitted to HSE Manager
  • Ensure all HSE work instructions are clearly understood between workers.
  • Conduct regular HSE talks to promote HSE awareness among workmen.
  • Conduct daily Toolbox Meeting and highlight potential hazards to the workers under their charge.
  • Set a good HSE example.
  • If HSE violations are determined high risk then stop the work as necessary.

3.2.11. Employee Worker

  • Comply with HSE rules and regulations.
  • Work safely and shall not do anything that can cause injury to himself herself or others.
  • Ensure work tools, apparatus, appliances, materials, and or equipment including Personal Protective Equipment PPE are used correctly and maintained in good serviceable conditions. 
  • Report any unusual occurrences and all defects of plant and equipment to your immediate supervisor.
  • Attend all Toolbox Meetings, other meetings andor training relating to HSE.
  • Observe all written and verbal HSE instructions issued from time to time by HSE Manager and or HSE Supervisor.
  • Observe and obey all HSE signs or notices.
  • Develop a personal concern.
  • Keep workplace clean and tidy.
  • Seek medical assistance for all injuries
  • Report to the medical centre if you are sick.


ABC HSEM shall establish a regular schedule for HSE meetings and maintain records of personnel attendance to manage and communicate on HSE effectively. The Site Manager shall manage and monitor HSE activities by taking action & provide resources to support their objectives & work activities. 

4.1. Kick-off HSE Meeting

Kick-off meeting with OWNER will be held, if required, after contract award and before the execution of the work. At this meeting, ABC should ensure that all related persons are aware of the site hazards of the operation detailed in the scope of work and are familiar with HSE working procedures, regulations and emergency communications.

Kick-off meeting with subcontractors’ representative shall be held after subcontract awards and before starting specific work.

4.2. Monthly HSE Meeting 

HSE Manager shall hold monthly meeting with HSE Committee that consist of Site Manager, HSE Manager, Discipline Superintendent and Subcontractor’s Manager to discuss HSE activities during the construction stage.

OWNER HSE Representative will attend the meeting to communicate his her opinions and or direction to all members if required. For the construction work in HSE, we will organize the HSE Committee. The HSE Committee shall plan, coordinate, implement and maintain the overall HSE activities control during construction including pre-commissioning or commissioning.

  • The objectives of the HSE Committee are
  • To formulate and execute the accident prevention programs
  • To cultivate and promote safe working habits and attitudes
  • To create and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
  • At the HSE Committee Meeting, members of the committee shall discuss, review, amend, and establish:   
  • New HSE rules and regulations, procedures, as necessary.
  • Project monthly HSE performances.
  • Accident or incident reports, if any,
Figure 1.  HSE Committee Organization typical 
prepare by yourself 

If a major or fatal accident occurs, the Committee shall investigate the cause and review appropriate countermeasures for immediate implementation.
HSE manager shall prepare the HSE materials or information for meeting and record the minutes of meeting.

4.3. Project HSE Monthly Report

A project HSE monthly report will be produced. The HSE report will address HSE progress, incidents, near misses, look-ahead items and status for the period of agreed HSE performance measurement. In addition, it will include details of the progress of engineering HSE reviews and close out of actions. The monthly HSE report may be included in the overall monthly progress report

4.4. Weekly HSE Meeting

HSE Manager shall hold Weekly HSE Meeting with Site Manager, Discipline Superintendents and subcontractor’s Construction Manager and HSE Manager to discuss HSE matters. Minutes of meeting shall be maintained and distributed to related part in accordance with document control procedure.

4.5. Toolbox Meeting TBM 

Subcontractor's supervisors  foremen shall conduct daily TBM with workers and shall maintain proper record of the meeting. 
The topics for the TBM shall include, but not limited to:
  • Highlight identified hazards and deviation during inspection
  • Countermeasures for prevention of recurrence
  • HSE reminders to constantly remind workers on HSE rules and regulations
  • Highlight specific job hazardous activities for the day’s work
  • Check work’s health condition and if any person who are ill or drunk are found, they shall not be allowed to work.
  • Any forthcoming HSE events or instruction or orders, etc.
  • The HSE meeting activities shall be recorded &retained in the related forms, MOM.


HSE training is essential for executing work safely during the entire construction, pre-commissioning and commissioning of the project. The Site Manager and the HSE Manager shall establish an On-site HSE Training Program before commencing the work. This guidance provides essentials of establishing On-site HSE Training Program of the following five categories:
  • HSE Induction Training for New Personnel
  • HSE Training for Manager and Supervisor
  • HSE Training for Specific Hazardous Job
  • Emergency and Evacuation Training
  • HSE Training for Refresher course
  • Toolbox talks

5.1. General

ABC will conduct HSE training for its staff. Subcontractors shall conduct HSE Training for their employees. Accordingly, all Subcontractors’ Construction Managers, HSE Manager and other persons designated by their Construction Managers shall initially take ABC HSE training courses to conduct HSE training for their employees. 
Monthly schedule for HSE training shall be prepared and noticed in advance to all personnel and to Subcontractors. 
The HSE Manager shall prepare training materials in order to effectively conduct HSE training. 
HSE training shall be conducted by the HSE Manager andor by competent persons designated by the HSE Manager.
The language at HSE training shall be English and the contract country language or adequate methods to fully understand.
The record of HSE training shall be documented and maintained. All subcontractors shall submit the record of HSE training conducted by them to the company

5.2. Types and Requirements of HSE Training

HSE Induction Training for New Personnel

5.2.1. Coverage 

  • All new employees including management and staff, and Subcontractors' management, staff, supervisors, and workers.
  • When: Upon arrival at the construction site and in advance of assignment to site. 
  • Training Materials: Text, HSE Booklet and overhead projector or video, etc.
  • Instructors
  • Company HSE Manager or the designated persons.

5.2.2. Contents of Training

  • Emphasize the importance of HSE
  • HSE Policy and Philosophy
  • Orientation of the site layout and the work place, using maps/drawings, etc., especially for the restricted areas to entry, such as the OWNER’s property, etc.
  • Outline of the work scope
  • HSE Organization and the individual's duties and responsibilities for HSE.
  • Working rules duty hours, over-time work, holidays, transportation, housekeeping, etc.
  • HSE and Security rules and regulations 
  • gate control, possession of ID card, smoking rules, substance abuse rules, traffic rules, etc.
  • Enforce use of proper personal protective equipment safety harness, helmets, goggles, gloves, dust/gas masks, respirators, etc.
  • Proper working garment and footwear
  • Outline of HSE Contraction Procedures 
  • Work Permit procedures Work items or locations to be subjected, obtaining procedure, etc.
  • Emergency and evacuation procedure emergency alarm system, emergency communication system, evacuation route and assembly area, etc.
  • Participation in Toolbox Meeting when, where, how
  • Keep clean after day’s work, weekly site cleaning, etc.
  • Report accidents and near-misses
  • Report unsafe acts and unsafe working conditions
  • First-Aid Facilities location, how to use, etc.
  • HSE incentive scheme to create interest and enthusiasm in HSE effort 
  • Confirmation of Personal Information submitted prior to the HSE induction training individual’s work experience, license/permits, physical condition, etc.

5.2.3. Attendance list:

Attendance list for HSE training should be kept and updated.


6.1. The Purpose of HSE Inspection

Scheduled HSE inspections are essential to the hazard identification and accident prevention programs. The purpose of the inspection is to identify and correct unsafe equipment, situations, conditions, and practices to prevent accidents.

6.2. Types of Inspections




Action by




Supervisory Inspection


Superintendent or Supervisor

Each supervisory personnel of company & Subcontractor.

Advisory Inspection


HSE Manager, HSE Supervisor

Company & Subcontractor

HSE Patrol


All members of Health & HSE Committee

Site Patrol before weekly HSE Meeting

6.3. Scope of Inspection and Audit

The HSE inspection and audit activity is to conduct organized SITE inspections so as to keep under control and correct all circumstances, which affect the safety and health of the workforce.
Inspections and audits will attempt to cover all workers and areas where workers are scheduled to work. The inspectors and auditors shall check for general housekeeping, HSE violations committed by workers, any discrepancies that violate legal regulations or requirements. Generally, the inspection and the audit cover the following items:

6.3.1. HSE audit items: 

  • HSE management
  • HSE consciousness
  • HSE facilities 
  • Fire prevention
  • Health and hygiene
  • Environmental control

6.3.2. HSE Inspection items:

  • Unsafe action safety violation
  • Physical condition
  • Housekeeping
  • Protection from falling hazard
  • Personal Protection Equipment PPE
  • Electrical hazard
  • Guarding of machinery
  • Site security
  • Cranes and lifting operations
  • All Lifting wires and shackles Colour tagging inspection by quarterly
  • Bulletin and Signboards
  • Scaffold
  • Others

6.4. Execution of Inspection 

HSE inspection of the construction SITE shall be conducted in accordance with the inspection procedure.
All observations made during the inspection shall be recorded. Copies of the inspection report shall be distributed to all members of the HSE committee, Discipline Superintendent and Construction Manager of Subcontractors concerned for corrective actions. The severity of each unsafe act or unsafe condition will be listed.
Any HSE deviations observed during the inspection should be verbal/written communicated to the supervisor responsible for corrective actions as soon as possible.
Any high potential unsafe act or unsafe condition Must be corrected immediately.
Site Manager and HSE Manager shall conduct follow-up actions to ensure that corrective actions on all HSE deviations are carried out satisfactory.
HSE Inspection reports shall be filed and kept at the field office throughout the construction period of the Project.


7.1. General

Because all accidents can be prevented, our HSE efforts concentrate on accident prevention.  Although accidents may still happen even with our best efforts to prevent them, it becomes unacceptable when an accident recurs due to our failure to correctly analyze and effectively learn from them.  Therefore, the importance of timely and accurate reporting and investigation of accidents cannot be over-emphasized.
The information enables remedial measures to be taken especially in emergency cases, and learning points to be shared with other sectors within the organization.  These guidelines are being issued to remind everyone of his/her duty and obligation.  Failure to comply is a cause for disciplinary action. 

7.2. Treatment of Injured

  • Company will provide all medical attention necessary for the treatment of injuries or disease contracted by employees and all other personnel during the course of the work.
  • Company will provide qualified personnel and equipment as required and defined in the government’s Labor Laws for first aid treatment and the transportation of sick or injured employees and project personnel.
  • Company first aid kits will be suitably equipped to adequately treat workplace injuries, and those that may be inflicted by the environment e.g. heat stroke, insect’s bites, snake bites, etc.

7.3. Investigation

  • All accidents, no matter how small they may be, shall be investigated. The objective is to prevent recurrence of accident of similar nature.
  • The consequences requiring an in depth investigations are: 
  • Fatal injury
  • Lost time injury or illness
  • Property damage exceeding US 5,000 dollars
  • The supervisor shall attend all investigations of accident that occur at SITE under his charge. 
  • The HSE Manager and supervisor, after being notified of the accident, shall immediately carry out on investigation.

7.4. Accident Reporting

  • In the event of a minor injury accident, the supervisory personnel shall accompany the injured for first-aid treatment. A daily record of all first aid treatments shall be maintained.
  • Meantime, the Supervisory personnel or his designee shall verbally notify the SITE Manager and/or HSE Manager.
  • After first aid, the supervisory personnel shall complete the Preliminary Accident Report.
  • Tentative written report shall be submitted to the HSE Team Manager of Home Office through SITE Manager by fax or other methods within 24 hours.
  • For serious injury or fatality, verbal or initial reports shall be submitted to the HSE Team Manager through SITE Manager. 
  • After the accident investigation, a detailed written report ACCIDENT REPORT attached shall be prepared by company HSE Manager and be submitted via Site Manager within 5 working days to the Project Manager and HSE Team, head office, respectively.
  • Subcontractor's Report
All subcontractors shall submit written reports to ABC within 12 hours regarding any accidents or incidents.


8.1. General

The objective of this plan is to provide the organization, guidelines and directions to ensure fast and effective response in any emergency situation in order to safe life, property and the environment. Everyone shall be familiar with the emergency plan while working at work site. In the event of emergency one must remain calm and act positively and quickly for preserving life and property.

8.2. HSE Communication

Company will establish and maintain appropriate lines of HSE communication system on activities among company personnel, Subcontractors, and other parties. The system shall consider emergency service in a major incident as follows.
  • Direct access to emergency services
  • Nearest hospital facilities
  • Other traffic means, etc.
  • The lines shall establish consideration of external incidents that may endanger activities on SITE. 
  • A detailed channel of communication will be provided to liaise with our entire workforce in consideration of the diversity of languages among the workforce.


9.1. Personal Protection Instructions

  • The Subcontractor shall provide personal protective equipment for Subcontractor’s personnel such as safety harness & lanyard, eye protection, respiratory equipment, hardhats, safety footwear etc.
  • Subcontractor shall train and require their employees to wear appropriate personal protection equipment that is maintained in good condition. Subcontractor's employees shall not commence work until proper protective equipment is worn at all times while on-site.
  • PPE shall be used according to respective job assignments.
  • All employee staff and visitors shall wear the appropriate specific PPE at all times when they are on the work Site.

9.2. Requirements of PPE

All employees shall wear appropriate personal attire in accordance with this plan and wear approved types PPE depending on exposed hazards like below:
  1. Head protection.
  2. Foot protection.
  3. Falls protection.
  4. Eye and face protection.
  5. Hand and skin protection.
  6. Hearing protection.
  7. Respiratory protection.

9.2.1. Head protection outfit

  • Safety helmet is intended to give the wearer protection against impact and penetration damage and is designed so that it will not fracture when struck or transfer the falling force to wearer's skull immediately below the point of impact.
  • Helmets should be designed for comfort in use and should be of an approved type to ensure they meet the required performance.
  • Wear a safety helmet and tie to the chin and nape firmly.

9.2.2. Foot protection outfit

  • Safety shoes are capable of preventing such hazard that feet are struck with a sharp thing or a worker falls by slipping or feet are injured by fallen article.
  • Wear safety shoes suitable for job nature.
  • Don't wear rubber shoes or slippers.
  • Tighten the lace in case it is attached, and the shoes and the lace shall not be loose. 
  • Check whether there is any abnormality or not before wearing.

9.2.3. Falls protection outfit   

  • Provide necessary facility so that falls may be precluded. However, if impossible, prevent a worker from falling down by means of safety harness.
  • Appropriate types of safety harnesses shall be worn by all personnel working at a level higher than 2 meters above ground or above a platform where there are no proper handholds, foothold and scaffolding with closed platforms.
  • Safety lifeline shall be used together with safety harness at areas where there are no convenient anchorage points for safety harnesses. The lifeline shall be securely anchored.
  • Safety harness material shall be leather or other strong material.
  • Only approved safety harness shall be used. 
  • Length of life-rope attached to the harness shall be within 2 m.

9.2.4. Eye protection outfit

  1. When doing grinding and welding work, or working in a place where dust or small fragments are scattered or where brilliant light or heat is radiated. Eye protection shall be worn. 
  2. Prior to wear eye protection check if in good condition.
  3. Use it cleanly and when storing it, keep it in the place where dusts are not scattered.
  4. Clean eye protection surfaces with soft cloth so as not to avoid scratching.
  5. Full-face protection to be worn when grinding.

9.2.5. Hand protection outfit

The workers who are exposed to rough objects, sharp edges, rubbing materials, electric work or who are likely to be injured, struck, burned, and bruised wear finger protection glove.

9.2.6. Hearing protection outfit

  • Noise elimination or attenuation at its source is the most satisfactory methods of hearing protection. Such measures are not always practical and personal hearing protection is then required.
  • In selecting the most suitable type for any given situation, the factors to be considered in addition to the attenuation include comfort, storage, wearers, acceptance and hygiene. 
  • Ear plugs may not fit properly into the ear canal thus reducing the protection afforded. In order to be effective, they shall fit tightly.
  • Store earplugs after sterilization.

9.2.7. Respiratory protection outfit

  • Respiratory protection shall be worn by all persons who could be exposed for any situation in which there is a possibility of the atmosphere being or becoming deficient in oxygen or containing any harmful substance, whether particle, dust-mist, vapour or gas including: —.
  • Work in containers or vessels where a danger of oxygen deficiency or harmful gases may be present.
  • Work in shafts, sewers or enclosed septic tanks.
  • Work in refrigeration plants where the danger of escape of refrigerant gas exists.
  • Grit or abrasive blasting operations.
  • Painting, spraying or applying hazardous substances.
  • Use the proper mask depending upon the contents of working place.
  • Don't use deformed and deteriorated protection device.
  • Use approved respiratory protection.
  • All persons using respirators will carry out ‘fit tests’ prior to use.
  • Use the mask through sterilizing all times.
  • Store the mask in a clean and sanitary place.
  • In case of storing the mask for a long time, check condition and store it after sterilization.
  • When required, all workers on the Site must be clean-shaven on all areas of the face where a seal is required for proper use of respiratory protection. This is to ensure that hair will not prevent the safe use of respiratory equipment.


Scrap, trash and other wastes must be placed in designated containers.  Work areas must be kept clean and orderly.   Cords and hoses routed across walkways shall be protected, so they will not present a tripping hazard. Materials, tools, and equipment must be stored in a stable position tied, stacked to prevent rolling or falling.  A safety access way to all work areas must be maintained.

11. Tools and Equipment

11.1. Hand Tools not driven by electric or pneumatic power.

  1. Use tools to do the job for which they are designed
  2. Keep hand tools in good operating condition sharp, clean, oiled, dressed, etc.
  3. A tool subject to impact chisels, star drills, caulking irons, etc. must not be used once it has rusted
  4. Do not force tools beyond their capacity.  The next size wrench, heat, penetrating oil, hammering, cutting, burning or using a compound wrench should be tried
  5. Special attention shall be paid to hand tools that can cause sparks when striking concrete or metal.  The sparks can ignite flammable gases and cause fire and explosion
  6. Always use the right tools for right job
  7. Use non-sparking tools in hazardous areas or on vessels containing flammable gases.  If this is not practical, consult your supervisor before start work.  
  8. Ensure all portable tools are defect free and before the first use check that they are in good working condition, if in doubt refer to your supervisor or tool store for advice
  9. Tools must not be thrown to another person
  10. Use proper tool bag to carry tools that are required for work at height in order to prevent them from dropping below.

11.2. Power Tools

  1. Inspect tools prior to each use, remove from service immediately if found defective
  2. Portable electric equipment and tools must be grounded, unless "double insulated".  A ground fault interrupter must be used when working outside or in a damp area
  3. Air supply to pneumatic tools must be shut off and "bled down" before disconnection. 
  4. The electric cord must be unplugged before adjusting electric tools
  5. Proper guards or shields must be installed on all power tools
  6. Lock on buttons shall be removed
  7. Abrasive wheels, cutting disc and related machines shall be identifiable and marked with their maximum permissible speed
  8. Grinding or other abrasive tools shall be equipped with an operating switch or lever requiring constant hand or finger pressure to operate the tool
  9. Only trained and authorized electricians shall perform electrical works
  10. No one shall change, alter or modify any electrical equipment, tools or instruments except authorized electricians
  11. The user shall also conduct visual inspection of his electrical equipment tools and instruments each time before use
  12. All hand-tools and hand-lamps are to be checked and tested by competent electricians before they can be used this does not apply to fixed electrical equipment which form part of the plat installation
  13. All hand torches used in the plant must be intrinsically safe 
  14. All live parts of temporary electrical installations and equipment shall be effectively guarded
  15. Electrical plugs and sockets must be of a distinctive pattern to ensure that no connections can be effected that involve different voltages.  They must conform to the local electrical standards
  16. All portable equipment, tools or instruments shall be used with ELB to protect workers from electrical shocks or electrocution
  17. Do not use test lamps or other electrically operated instruments unless they are of an appropriately approved type
  18. All electrical tools must be switched off and made inoperative before removing the connecting plug.

11.3. Stationary machines

  1. Machines must be shut down before adjusting, servicing or repairing, to prevent accidental starting.  This may require a Lock out/Tag-out.
  2. All guards, cranks, keys, or wrenches used in service work must be removed before starting up.  
  3. Be sure replacement parts meet the tool specification.
  4. Machine must be shut off and brought to a complete stop before removing waste.
  5. Interlocking devices must be in working order, and never bypassed.
  6. Use equipment only for its intended purpose.  No work will be done on equipment, harness, drives, conveyors, or vehicles while in operation.
  7. All AC supply welding machines shall be fitted with low voltage shock prevention devices and shall be tested every day before work commencement.
  8. All subcontractors shall attach a tag on the welding machine denoting their company's names and the name of person responsible.
  9. All welding machines shall be provided with proper earth cable connected up with brass or steel bolts and nuts.


12.3. Manual material handling 

  • Whenever practical, certified mechanical lifting devices are to be used to assist in the handling of material in excess of 20 kg
  • All workers performing manual lifting tasks shall be instructed on:
  1. Back care and lifting methods
  2. Hands and feet to be kept clear of pinch points
  • Substantial gloves are to be worn when handling material where contact may be made with sharp edges, abrasive surface, slivers, chemicals, etc.  All rotating objects shall be suitably checked before lifting.

12.4. Materials hoist

  1. They shall be operated only by "Authorized Operators"
  2. They shall not be used for personnel
  3. The weight of material and capacity of elevator or hoist must be known before using.  Material must be positioned so it cannot shift or extend beyond cage limits
  4. The signal system must be posted at each landing
  5. All signal devices shall be protected against unauthorized use, unintentional use, breakage and reference
  6. Prevent exposure of hands and bodies at all landings and openings
  7. Engines must be stopped before refuelling
  8. All hoist shall have sign board showing maximum lifting weight on body


13.1. Safety harness

Workmen working on unguarded surfaces above open pits or tanks, steep slopes, moving machinery and similar location or working from unguarded surfaces two 2 meters or more above water or ground, temporary or permanent floor platform shall be secured by safety harness and lanyards in guarded platforms. If scaffolds or temporary floors are not feasible, safety nets shall be providing and installed.
  1. Workmen entering a sewer, flue, duct, or other similarly confined spaces shall be provided and required to wear safety harness with life lines attached to anchorage point and held by another person stationed at the opening ready to respond to agreed signals
  2. Workers who are required to climb and work on top of pole 2 m or more in height shall wear safety harness
  3. Safety harness must be worn when work requires men closer than 1 m from roof edge
  4. Safety harnesses and lanyards must be inspected before each use and monthly with documentation sent to company HSE Manager
  5. Special precautions shall be taken to protect workers at lower levels from being struck by tools or materials that might be dropped from above. This shall be considered in the planning phase of all elevated work

13.2. Ladders

  1. Before a ladder is used, consideration should be given to finding a more permanent and safer alternative
  2. Ladders must be inspected by company and approved for use.  Each user must inspect ladders before use and after use.   Remove from service if found defective
  3. All ladders are to be soundly constructed and properly maintained in accordance with the international standard and local regulatory requirements
  4. The subcontractor shall provide training for their personnel in detecting possible defects of wooden and metal ladders
  5. Ladders shall be registered and tagged.
  6. Only non-conductive ladder will be allowed for electrical work
  7. Painted ladders, except for transparent colour paint, are not permitted.
  8. If it is necessary to place a ladder in or behind a doorway, barricade the door and post warning signs.
  9. While ascending or descending a ladder, hold a straight ladder with both hands and hold a stepladder with at least one hand.  Use a hand-line if necessary to raise and lower materials
  10. Except when climbing, keep both feet on the ladder rungs
  11. Only one man is allowed on a ladder.

13.3. Scaffolding

  1. A competent scaffolder approved by company must erect all scaffoldings.  All scaffolding materials shall be in accordance with the international standard and local regulatory requirements
  2. Scaffold must conform to site standards and must be inspected prior to use. Tag denoting that they have been inspected and approved for use must be fixed on scaffolds
  3. Unauthorized modification such as removal of bracing or toe-board shall be prohibited.
  4. All hydraulic platforms shall be operated by only trained operator.
  5. Personnel must wear properly tie-off safety harness on scaffold platforms not equipped with standard handrails or competed decking.
  6. Do not ride rolling scaffold while it is being moved.  All tools and materials must be either removed or secured on the platform when moving.
  7. Do not climb scaffold handrails, mid-rails, or brace members.  Use ladders for access.
  8. Erect all scaffolds, level and plumb on a firm base.
  9. All scaffolds platforms must be equipped with standard 1.1 m high rigidly secured handrails, mid-rails, and toe-boards, and be completely decked with safety planks or manufactured scaffold decking
  10. Never exceed safe working loads on scaffolds
  11. Use rolling scaffolds only on smooth, level surfaces, or contain the wheels in level and stabilized wooden or channel iron runners
  12. No welding, burning, cutting, drilling, or bending to any scaffold member is permitted
  13. Do not stack brick, tile, block, or similar material higher than 60 cm on a scaffold deck
  14. Never rig from scaffold handrails or braces
  15. Generally, parts and sections or patented metal scaffolding of different manufacturers are not allowed to be interchanged or mixed.
  16. Harnesses must be tied off to independent lifelines or building structure-one lifeline per man.
  17. All suspended scaffolds shall be anchored to prevent swinging.  The suspended support shall be electrically insulated when arc welding is to be performed from the scaffold
  18. Do not use scaffold or safety plank for skids, ramps, runways, workbenches, or purpose other than scaffold decking.


  1. Smoking and the use of naked flame are strictly prohibited in the work-site.
  2. "Smoking" is only allowed at approved areas displayed with smoking signs.
  3. Smoking is strictly prohibited even when permits for the use of fire are given for places other than the approved smoking areas.
  4. Smoking is also strictly prohibited in the camp compound, bedrooms or dormitory except at approved "Designated Smoking Areas."


  1. Regular clean-up of scrap material, saw dust, rags, oil, paint, grease, flammable solvents and other residue of construction operations will not only remove or reduce the fire hazard, but will promote general safety at the same time.
  2. All construction area and storage yards shall be cleared of combustible materials. 
  3. All rubbish shall be cleared from buildings at least daily and work areas shall be maintained free of accumulation of debris.
  4. All rags, waste, etc., soiled by combustible or flammable materials shall be placed in tightly closed metal containers for daily disposal


  1. Company will take all necessary precautions to prevent fires and will provide, maintain and regularly inspect the required fire extinguishers. 
  2. Gasoline, volatile solvents or any other flammable substances must be stored in containers that are clearly labelled, approved for their contents and located in a safe place away from any source of open flame. 
  3. Quantities of these chemicals in excess of that needed for one day’s operation must be stored in a proper storage facility, isolated from the actual work areas. 
  4. Flammable liquid containers must be electrically bonded when liquids are being poured from one to the other.
  5. Suitable fire extinguishers must be available in quantities sufficient to protect the worksite.


Disciplinary action against Subcontractor
  1. When a breach of HSE has been notified to a Subcontractor by the company, the Subcontractor shall take remedial action immediately.
  2. If the Subcontractor does not rectify such breach of HSE in a timely manner, the company may direct to suspend the Work until the breach has been rectified.
  3. During the suspension of the Work referred to above, the company will not make any payments to the Subcontractor. Periods of suspension will not be a cause of revision of construction schedule of the Project.
  4. If the Subcontractor fails to rectify the breach of HSE or if the Subcontractor’s services have involved recurring breaches of HSE, ABC may terminate the Subcontractor immediately without further obligation. 
  5. Disciplinary action against the employee
  6. Subcontractor shall take appropriate disciplinary action against any employee who violate HSE rules and regulations and or who have caused an accident by ignoring such rules and regulations.
  7. The details of disciplinary action shall be described in the HSE plan submitted by Subcontractor.
  8. Client reserves the right to require the Subcontractor to remove the violator from the job Site.
The End


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